I have been so depressed and so lonely since what happened with Billy (Screw it, I dont care anymore about protecting people with stupid fake names) that I had to do something drastic. So, I went to some shelters and humane societies. I originally went into it knowing I wanted a dog, and told myself I was gonna get something medium, not too big, and short-haired only. The first place I went, there was this Akita. 60 lbs, small for her breed. Gorgeous, friendly, beautiful, so cute. I fell in love with her squishy face the second I saw it, but there was a chance she might have a health issue I couldnt afford to take care of. She was scheduled to see a vet 3 days later.

I kept looking, thinking I wouldnt be able to afford to care for her. She had been a breeder at a puppy mill (she was bred too young and malnourished, hence the small size for her breed) and then she got a large tumor on her mammory gland and she was abandoned on the street. I kept looking. Well, 3 days later, this past Friday, at 12:31 pm, the shelter manager called me to tell me that the vet had checked her out and said the tumor is benign and she most likely wont get more unless she breeds again, and the shelter manager said THEY (the SPCA) would pay to have it removed and to have her spayed if I wanted to adopt her. My response, you ask? I'm on my way RIGHT NOW to take her home. And when I took her out of that kennel cage for the last time, I cried because I was so happy. Since, she's been amazing, such a good girl, so well behaved, and she already knows sit, stay, and paw. She's 6, not too hyper, and 60 lbs of pure sweet puppy love. Her new name (they didn't know what hers was, they found her wandering the streets) is Princess Smooshy Mooshikin, or "Moosh" for short.

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